Title – Lego Excavator
Build Time – 5 hours
Pieces – 1,123
Purchased – 8th November, 2013
FlickR Link – https://flic.kr/s/aHsjM8Wsu7
Lego Link – http://shop.lego.com/en-GB/Excavator-42006
So this is my third Lego Technic build and is model 42006. (You can see all my lego builds here: http://bonxy.info/?tag=lego)
So i bought this a few months ago. I really enjoyed this build and i think this model is a bit more functional than your everyday tow truck.
I personally didnt think the tracks would work to well on this model but i was wrong. They took a while and where a bit fiddly to put together but they make the model totally unique.
There is 2 switches for gear selection at the back of the model.
– One controls the top boom forward and backwards motion, flick it the other way and it controls the bottom boom.
– The second controls the opening and closing of the claw which has a really strong grip which i proved by lifting cans up off the side of the sofa! 😀
Like i said above, i really enjoyed this model and its now sat on the window ledge holding christmas decorations not to the enjoyment of my missus.
Here are some more pictures of the model.
As always, more pictures can be found in my FlickR set here – http://www.flickr.com/photos/bonx/sets/72157637457960326/.
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