It started late on saturday night. After going to the beach on saturday with @Cadab and Mikey I went home and stayed in as I knew I was taxi driver that night. My fare? @RebekahEsme. She was out with some of her old uni friends in York for an event called ‘Old Jons’. The idea is that everyone who has been to the uni over the years all meet up in York, go to the SU and get wasted, then go to more pubs and get wasted.

During the even before she got uncontrollably drunk I got a text which read ‘I can’t wait to see you at 3! Xx’ to which I was quite shocked at. 3AM?? I’ve never seen her drink past 1AM, but apparently she used to do it all the time. So that was my evening until I got a text off a mate inviting me to Yarm for a cheeky pint or two.
Off I popped down to the Black Bull for a quick re-union whilst all the time, the drunken texts where coming through to my phone.
I left at about 22.30 and headed back off home to wait for drunken skunk to call. It hadn’t gone 1AM before I received texts telling me to come and pick her up. Every text getting harder and harder to read. So I jumped in my car and headed off down to York.
I didn’t take my normal route to the A19 as I looked online and saw that I could snap a cheeky #Geocache in Kirklevington. So I drove down there and spent 5 minutes in the dark trying to find the cache. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it this time, but its on the list to definitely get when I have the time.
Anyway I carried on my 30 odd mile trip into York whilst getting on some amazing old school tunes and been jealous of everyone out on the lash in York.
It was about 1.50 by the time I reached York. Not bad going considering I had the cruise control on 70 mph all the way. It was a shame becks could be more punctual like me. She sent me here, there and everywhere trying to find her, to which in the end had me travelling down an alley with drunken people all over the place. It was about 2.15 by the time she stumbled into the passenger seat in my car.
Right just to clarify. Is it me or do all other men think women can talk for england? Well, I think my girlfriend can do when she’s sober, by god, when she was drunk it was like another level. blah blah blah blah blah. Sam? Yes Rebekah ? Blah blah blah blah blah. I have a simple way to fix this problem and it worked for me.
I slowly reclined the passenger seat until it was probs at a 45 degree angle, made sure she was belted up – Safety First – and then proceeded to ignore her for all of 30 seconds before she was out like a zombie.
Ahhh, peace – My thoughts as I finished the last leg of my journey to Doncaster. Becks didn’t wake once on the journey home. She just let a few of her little snores out as she does. 😀 Upon arriving at the Hughes residence becks stumbled out the car and walked up the drive whilst I was nice enough to grab her smelly shoes and bag. As soon as becks reached her house she started being sick and she didn’t stop all night. I did try and make the point of tweeting when she did throw up but I ran out of energy and no doubt phone battery as it was about twice an hour!!
The morning looked brighter. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, becks head was hurting and her carpet floor was covered in sick! Ha. She did however make me an amazing bacon and scrambled egg sandwich which was beyond perfect!
After that we lounged around for a short while before deciding to up sticks and head for Cumber Park. The idea was that we could go and grab some fresh air and have a nice walk and ice-cream and maybe find some Geocaches. I did look on my laptop before we went there for some caches and found about 4 close by in the park so I was quite excited. As soon as we arrived there I tried to check in or foursquare and bam. No reception (I don’t know what it is about rebekah taking me to these places with no phone reception but I don’t like it!). Without phone reception Geocaching would be a no no as I need single for the GPS to work on my WP7.
So we had a nice walk around and then popped into the cafè, got some ice lollies and then walked down to the lake and sat on the edge. After a nice bit of tanning we decided to walk back to the car the long way. We walked quite a distance round the park which was good fun. After we got back to the car we departed Cumber Park and headed off home. It was about 6 o’clock by the time we got back to Rebekah’s house. She was hungry, like she always is so she decided to make us some tea. She made a lovely BBQ chicken with potato criss cuts and a rice / pea combo.
After tea was consumed and we let it settle and then headed off to the Superbowl. Not the American football game, its what the bowling alley is called in Doncaster. We got there for around 8ish and booked a lane straight away. We only had a 30 minute wait so we got a drink and as soon as we got the drinks they where calling us to our lane. Part of the sunday deal was 2 games per person for £5. Bargain!
The thing with me and Rebekah is our competitiveness. We both don’t like losing no more than the other. So when we started bowling, I took it each and missed a few shots just to let her think she has the upper hand. That was until I unleashed the 3 strikes in a row straight down the middle! b00m b00m. In the end, we both won a game each which was a good end to bowling!
After leaving bowling and already been over the lakeside there wasn’t a better time to do some last minute geocaching. I loaded up the WP7 and we had already looked online to and then we went on our way in the darkness with our torches.
We had a good night really finding 4 geocaches which concidering it was pitch black was decent. We most of walked about a 1.5 mile in total right up to keepmoat stadium (Doncasters home ground) and around the lake itself.
This is one of the geocaches that we found situated under a bridge.
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