Sam's Space
My little bit of something in this big space.
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    December 14, 2011 by Sam

    Codemasters posted on there blog today that they where releasing another add-on for the ever popular DiRT 3. I dont really know much more about it and couldnt really be bothered reading the big description under the video on the Youtube website. You can view the video below:

    Official Name: xBonx

    December 1, 2011 by Sam

    Hey hey. Just writing this post as I purchased a new domain the other day, but didn’t want to post anything until the DNS had been set up. The site is now running under its offcial name of The old URL ( will stay will to. You can access your user accounts just by […]

    Whats been added up to now

    November 30, 2011 by Sam

    Since the last post which can be found here i have piled a few more features into the Xbox achievements. Firstly, with some help off @Cadab, i managed to sort out a neat little feature using what is normally a 404 error page. This meant that i could create whatever i wanted to go after […]

    A different type of Xbox achievements

    November 19, 2011 by Sam

    While spending a little time developing a twitter for xbox app last night, which im sure @Cadab will do a write up for soonish, i came accross the idea of taking a users xbox details and awarding achievements. They would not be achievements like in-game achievements, nor would they offer you gamerscore. Its basically just […]

    Battlefield 3

    October 28, 2011 by Sam

    I write this post from my bed that I just got into. Where have I been? I was at Asda, Doncaster buying the Battlefield 3 for the Xbox 360. I purchased 2 copies, one for myself and one for @Cadab. With me still been away from home I won’t be able to play
